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New Kids on Tour!

(The NKOTB was starting a new tour around the world, they waited for a long time for this)

Joe: i'm soooo excited for this

Donnie: It's not that serious Joe

Jon: leave him alone, he likes to perform all around the world

Joe: yeah!

Jordan: (laughs)

Danny: There is going to be alot of girls...ooooo yeah.... i love GIRLS!...i can't wait to see them

Joe: OH MY GOD!....we're going to get MOBBED!

Donnie: so at least it's going to be by the ladies!...

Jordan: (laughs)...Jon what happened with Tiffany?

Jon: Ooo we broke wasn't working out to many girls getting in our business...u kno how it is???, i'm still sad i wish i could've married her...she was the best

Donnie: i hate to be heart broken....thats the worse next to dieing...(giggles)

Joe: (sings) i think he's alone now!

All: (laughs)

(The boys started to get ready in the tour bus, Maurice Starr walks in)

Maurice: U guys ready!?

Jordan, Joe, Danny, and Donnie: YEAH!

Jon: i'm nervous (looks down in depression)

Jordan: hey bro are you ok???

Jon: do i look ok?

Maurice: what happen Jon?

Joe: ooo he broke up with Tiffany

Danny: come on Joe u got a big mouth...

Joe: yeah but he was taking to long. I want to get out there already

Donnie: (giggles)

Maurice: it's ok Jon...Now lets get out!

(Jon walks slow)

(3 girls showed up at the front door of the backstage)

Jennifer: Come on please let me in!

(Donnie looked)

Yvelisse: yeah we don't have tickets cuz our parents couldn't afford them

Amber: Yeah i always wanted to see them, and they are finally in our town...PLEASE!

(Donnie was the only one that saw it, he looked at them from a far distance)

Donnie: Guys (whispering) (the guys were all talking) Guys (he starts getting louder) GUYS!

Danny: yeah DONNIE! u didn't have to scream!

Jordan: What's up Donnie?

Donnie: look at those girls!

Danny: Yeah very good looking too

Donnie: No Danny!, they are trying to get in but they don't have no tickets, there parents couldn't afford them

Joe: awww...poor girls

Jon: there probably lieing

Donnie: No...there not i could tell

Jordan: what...your a mind reader (laughs)

Danny: Good one J

(Donnie started walking towards the way to the girls)

Danny: YO!...Donnie where are you going!?

(Donnie ignored him and keeped walking)

(Amber turned around)

Amber: OH MY GOD!

Yvelisse: what!??!??!?!

Jennifer: it's DONNIE WAHLBERG!...

All: (Scream)

(Jennifer was panicing because Donnie is her favorite member)

Donnie: Hey Girls...

Jennifer: my my my my...(Jennifer studdering)

Amber: Her name is Jennifer...shes just a little shocked

Yvelisse: a little...i think she's going to have a heart attack

Jennifer: Yeah thats my name

Donnie: What...Heart attack???

Amber and Yvelisse: (Laugh)

Donnie: Just playing....Jennifer thats a pretty name

Jennifer: Yeah

Amber: Ok my turn.....WHERE'S JOE!!!!?!?!??!

Yvelisse: we don't care about Joe....WHERE'S JORDAN!?!?!??!

Donnie: Girls Girls....calm down...there are right over there with Maurice

Yvelisse and Amber: (started to run)

Donnie: go help them (To the security gaurd)

(the New Kids ran into the bus because they saw 2 girls running there way)


Jordan: Calm down Joe...your scaring me

Danny: why am i in here??? not scared

Joe: then why did u run???

Danny: cuz u all did...i had no choice

Jon: (laughs)

Jordan: ooo i see that smile Jon

Jon: yeah u got me

(Danny walked out, and the girls we're excited)

Danny: Hey pretty ladys...what can i do for you???

Yvelisse: im looking for Jordan

Amber: and JOE!

(Danny felt stupid)

Danny: oooookkkkk...there where is Donnie?

Yvelisse: with my sister

Danny: damn Donnie is a lady killer...(laughs)

(Mean while Donnie was talking to Jennifer)

Donnie: soooo...u like me???

Jennifer: yeah who doesn't???...your gorgeous

(Donnie smiles)

Donnie: i'll tell u what beautiful...u can come to our concert...

Jennifer: what about my family?


Jennifer: No sweetface...those 2 sis and my niece

Donnie: ooo cool...2 sisters...thats hot

(Jennifer is sooo flattered)

Donnie: come with me to the bus...and lets get your family members...(laughs)

(Jenn and Donnie starting walking toward the tour bus, there is Danny and the 2 girls...)

Donnie: Yo dan!

Danny: CHEESE!!!

(Jenn starts laughing)

Donnie: what are you doing?

Danny: just talking to these 2 girls

Donnie: ooo yeah

Jennifer: Hi my name is Jennifer

Donnie: she's lieing...her name is Heart Attack

Amber: NO!

Donnie: ok, are you her sister?

Yvelisse: No i am, Hi im Yvelisse

Amber: im her niece

Danny: Cool

Jennifer: we're are the other guys?

Danny: Hiding

All: (Laugh)

(Danny opens the bus door, Donnie walks in)

Donnie: Guys, your need to hide from these beautiful women

Yvelisse and Amber: OH MY GOD!

Donnie: WHAT!

Yvelisse: Jordan my love...i have been looking everywhere for you!

Jordan: Do i kno u?

Yvelisse: No, But i kno u

Joe: Uh ooo...Jordan's long lost love

Amber: Joe i love U!

Jon: i guess u both found them

Danny: yeah haha!

Jon: so, what brings you here?

Jennifer: We came to see your concert, but we don't have any tickets

Amber: yeah we're broke

Jon: ok

Donnie: see i told u

Yvelisse: what are u talking about?

Jordan: Donnie saw u's talking to our security guard about that, but we didn't believe him

Jennifer: ooo

Donnie: well guys i gave them backstage passes and concert tickets

Yvelisse and Amber: o u did!?!?!

Jennifer: yeah i forgot to tell u's...(laughs)

(They were so excited for this)

(It was time for them to get ready backstage, once they all walked into the arena u heard sooo many girls chanting "NKOTB" was a rush)

Jennifer: Wow, i cant believe im back here, this is so cool

Joe: yeah i guess so, watch when u see the locker rooms

Amber: ooo yeah

(They all laugh)

(they all walked in the locker rooms, there were a bunch of teddy bears and cards that the girls gave the security guards for the New Kids, they we're like millions of them, it was crazy)

Yvelisse: wow so many!

Jon: much obsession

Jordan: yeah and most of them are for me

Danny: Consided!

(Jordan smiles with those beautiful dimples)

Joe: we really have to get ready

Security: yeah girls u have to get out for them to get dressed

Jennifer: i dont mind i'll watch

Donnie: i don't mind either she could come with me

All: (laugh)

(The security excorted them out of the locker rooms onto the arena with billions of screaming fans, the fans saw them come off the stage into 3 front seats, the girls we're shocked)

Girl: Hey, do you kno them personally since u came off the stage???

Jennifer: yeah Donnie is my boyfriend

Amber: (whispering) Jennifer no his not

Yvelisse: Shut up Amber

Girl: are u serious???

Yvelisse: yeah and Jordan is mine

Amber: yeah Joe too...not her's but mine

Girl: I HATE U!

Jennifer: WHAT!?!?!??!

Yvelisse: U wanna fight!?!??!

(the girl walked away)

Amber: shes chicken

All: (laugh)

(all of a sudden a voice came up saying the "New kids on the block" then "my favorite girl" started playing)

Yvelisse: thats my song!

All: (Yell)

(Everybody was singing along with the song, then Donnie looked over at Jennifer and winked at her, Jennifer felt like a million bucks)

(the girl went up to Jennifer)

Girl: Donnie is not your boyfriend...ok u wish

(the song was finshed and Donnie grabbed his mic and started talking)

Donnie: i have to say i meet these 3 beautiful young ladies today...

(the girl's mouth fell to the floor)

Donnie: they are sitting right in the front row...Jennifer my love come up here...

(Jennifer ran on the stage)

Donnie: i have to say i met u like an hour ago...i have to ask u a question..."Would u go out with me on a date?"

(Jennifer was stunned and so was the girls in the audience)

Jennifer: YES!

(Jennifer hugged Donnie and layed a big one on him....[even tho that wasn't supposed to happen])

Donnie: ooo yeah

(The guys laughed and so did Yve and Amber)




New Kids on the Block Forever!